NBS Leadership
Nouveau's integrated team of leaders and advisors combine unprecedented business, science, translational and regulatory expertise in the field of oncology.

Owen A. O’Connor, M.D., Ph.D. | Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
American Cancer Society Clinical Research Professor
25 years leading translational research programs in academic medicine at premier cancer centers in the U.S.
Over 35+ inventions filed in U.S. and Ex-U.S. territories
8 drugs approved across 50 countries
Experience as Chief Scientific Officer overseeing approvals of drugs in B-cell lymphoma, autoimmune D/O & pipeline development

Tara Spiess Restieri | Chief Operating Officer
Over 25 years in operations, finance, investment banking, oncology drug development, investor relations and corporate communications
Experience in academic clinical trial monitoring and data analysis in oncology
Responsible for operations for a turnaround oncology company
Built advisory firm for public and private biotechnology companies to advise and manage investor relations, corporate communications and business development

Thomas Loughran, M.D. | Senior Vice President of Scientific Affairs
President, Nanovations Laboratory
Director of the University of Virginia Comprehensive Cancer Center, an NCI Designated Cancer Center
F. Palmer Weber-Smithfield Foods Professor of Oncology Research
Discovered LGL leukemia
Worked in laboratory of the Noble Laureate E. D. Thomas
Continuous federal funding for his laboratory over the past 36 years totaling over $115M over his career

Thomas Mehrling, M.D., Ph.D | Corporate & Business Development Advisor
President & CEO, Leavorac Group
Former CEO of MundiPharma EDO
More than 20 years in all phases oncology drug developmen
Focused on the treatment and development of therapeutics in cardiology, haematology/oncology and paediatric oncology
Board certified pharmacologist